Moonhack Projects

This year our Moonhack theme is how to can help to mitigate climate change. On September 1st, when registrations open, we release 6 brand new projects ready for your coders for 2024. There are 3 Scratch projects, 1 Python project, 1 Micro:bit project and 1 design brief, for coders to come up with their own solution.

Step 1

Select your project

Read through the project options and click on the 'get started' button for the project you choose.

Step 2

Choose your language

Use the drop down menu to select your chosen language for the project plan. Our volunteers have worked hard to translate projects into many other languages.

Step 3

Download the project

Download the PDF for your project. You can choose to keep this on screen or print for your coders.

Step 4

Starting the Project

If choosing a Scratch project, use the introduction page to access the starter project hyperlink. This will give your coders the correct background and sprites to use.

Looking for more Moonhack projects?

You can access all projects from previous Moonhack events here. Try something new, build excitement, have some fun

See Previous Projects